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My Equipment’s Not Running – Part 3 (Oil Health)

In part one and part two of this three-part post, we discussed how shutdowns could negatively affect lubricant film and increase contamination risks. For part three, we’ll reveal the oil health can decline in shutdown equipment. Declining Oil Health During...

My Equipment’s Not Running – Part 2 (Contamination Risks)

In part one of this three-part post, we discussed how shutdowns could negatively affect lubricant film. For part two, we’ll reveal the impact of contamination on shutdown equipment. Impact of Contamination on Shutdown Equipment As mentioned in previous posts,...

My Equipment’s Not Running – Part 1 (Lubricant Film)

In many industries, equipment runs continuously which means that provided optimum lubrication conditions can be maintained, wear can be minimized. But in some industries such as batch manufacturing processes, terminals where periodic loading and unloading occurs, or...

Deploying an Engineered Lubrication Management Program

Historically, lubrication management has been the responsibility of the individual mechanic or millwright completing the work. Generally, anyone who needed oil or grease could order any type or amount of lubricant to complete the task at hand. The result was an...