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Power Generation

Because downtime is costly and can lead to an interruption in power supply, the performance and lifetime of equipment in the power generation industry, such as load tap changers, gas engines, and pumps can be dramatically increased with the proper contamination control practices to maintain fluid cleanliness.


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Coal Fired Power Plant

Coal-fired power plants will often run continuously for several years between shut-downs. Sometimes these shut-downs are planned for maintenance purposes, other times they are unexpected. It’s the unexpected shut-downs that plant managers are always trying to avoid. Unscheduled shut-downs are incredibly expensive, often causing millions of dollars in lost equipment, time and plant output. This consequence directly speaks to how critical proper maintenance is on these plants. It is imperative the machinery be kept at a very high reliability level in order to avoid as many unnecessary shut-downs as possible.

Click on the orange hotspots below to find out more.

Coal Fired Power Plant Equipment


Conveyors are in a dirty, wet and rugged environment which experiences heavy particulate and water contamination. The driving gearbox and the backstop are the two major oil lubricated components. The gearbox carries the load to another location and the backstop safely holds the conveyor in place when it stops under a load. If either of these components fail, the plant would shutdown or safety could be jeopardized.

Seal and Protect: Gearbox Adapter Kit with Extended Series or Extreme Duty desiccant breather
Clean and Purify: Filter Cart or Panel Unit
View and Assess: 3-D Bullseye or Drain Port Adapter Kit with Oil Level Indicator
Monitor and Diagnose: Sample Valves, Condition Monitoring Center

Seal and Protect: Gearbox Adapter Kit with Extended Series or Extreme Duty desiccant breather
Clean and Purify: Filter Cart or Panel Unit
View and Assess: 3-D Bullseye or Drain Port Adapter Kit with Oil Level Indicator
Monitor and Diagnose: Sample Valves, Oil Quality Sensor, Condition Monitoring Center

Combined Cycle Power Plant

Combined cycle power plants encounter unique oil contamination problems. Lubricating and hydraulic oils each have their individual challenges. Among them are water and particulate contamination in the steam turbine lube oil reservoir and varnish, moisture by condensation, and particulate in gas turbine and control oil reservoirs.

Click on the orange hotspots below to find out more.

Combined Cycle Power Plant Equipment

Gas Turbine

The lubrication challenge with a gas turbine, when compared to a steam turbine, is heat. Bearing temperatures in gas turbines can exceed 200 degrees F and while the bulk temperature of the lubricant is kept below 150 F, temporary exposure to these hot surfaces, along with micro-dieseling, can cause significant thermal degradation of the oil. This degradation leads to varnishing of metal surfaces including hydraulic control valves. This varnish, combined with small particles is responsible for a large portion of valve failures. These systems benefit from the use of high quality gas turbine oil, which is designed for thermal stability and deposit control along with specialized filtration designed to remove both hard and soft particles which cause varnish and valve stiction.

Seal and Protect: Extended SeriesTitan Series or Rebuildable Steel desiccant breather
Clean and Purify: Varnish Removal SystemVacuum DehydrationT StandOff-Line Unit
Monitor and Diagnose: Oil Quality Sensor, Portable Laser Particle Counter, Sample Valves

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